Police Facility Study

06/17/2021 - Updated study for the construction of a police station on the Alva Lot

In 2014/2015, the Police Facility Task Force held numerous meetings to determine the direction of the Police Department Facility.  They considered these three options:

  • Construct a new police station on properties to be identified
  • Construct renovations to create a new police station in existing buildings
  • Construct renovations and/or additions to the existing police facility

In August of 2015, the committee made a final recommendation to move forward with building a new police station.  The top two site recommendations for the new station are:

  • 35 Swan Street
  • Alva Lot Site

Police Facility Task Force Presentation  (August 2015)

Police Facility Task Force Final Recommendation

Committee members:

  • Marc A. Staley
  • Ashley Bateman
  • Peter Garlock
  • Alfred McGinnis
  • James Jacobs
  • Bill Hayes
  • David Leone 

In 2013 the City Council appropriated funds for the City to complete a space needs assessment to examine alternatives to the Police Department facilities.  These alternatives were to include constructing a new police station on properties to be identified, construct renovations to create a new police station in existing buildings and undertake renovations and/or additions to the existing police facility.  A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued in July 2013 along with site tours of the existing facility.  Ten submittals were received from interested consultants, and after staff review, the Geddis Architects team was recommended to City Council and awarded in October 2013.

Over the past 10 months, City staff have worked with the Geddis Architects team to complete a comprehensive space needs assessment of the Police Department as well as a review of potential locations and alternatives for police facilities.  On this page, you will find the final Batavia Police Department Facility Feasibility Study and appendices.


7.1  List of Potential Sites

7.2 10 W. Main St. Building Evolution & Timeline

7.3 Survey Report Batavia Police Station

7.4 Creek Park Phase 1 (Findings only)

7.5 Conceptual Schematic Budget for Police Facility Study

7.5 Conceptual Schematic Budget Report

Task Force Volunteer Application