City of Batavia Fire Department Coloring Contest

The City of Batavia Fire Department is sponsoring the 10th annual Fire Prevention Week Coloring Contest. This is a coloring contest open to students from grades Kindergarten- Fifth Grade. “Our hope is to get the children to discuss safety with their teachers, other students and parents/guardians.”

Information has been distributed to City schools, but we wanted to include any home schooled children in the City of Batavia School district as well. Copies of the official coloring page and contest rules are available at City of Batavia Fire Department, 18 Evans Street or by contacting Lieutenant Bob Tedford at We encourage all eligible students to participate.

The 2023 Fire Prevention Week (October 8-14) theme is “Cooking Safety starts with You!” Additional information can be found at the Fire Prevention Week website

“We all have developed and practiced fire drills at work, at school; but how many of us have actually practiced or created a  fire drill at home?”

Practicing Exit Drills in the Home (EDITH) is important for the entire family. Drawing a map of your home knowing two ways out of every room and having a meeting place outside where all family members can gather in case of an emergency are important steps that all families should practice.

Any posters wishing to be entered need to be at the Fire Station located at 18 Evans Street in Batavia no later than Wednesday, October 13, 2023 at 4 pm.

Judging of the posters will take place October 17-19. The winner of each group will receive a ride to school on a City Fire Engine, and be invited to a special awards luncheon with their family held at the fire station. Second and third place finishers in each group will also be invited to the fire station awards luncheon.

The best of luck to all students!